Thursday, November 22, 2018

Another Year of Giving Thanks.

With my family so spread apart, it's hard to spend holidays together save our annual trip to the mountains which we NEVER miss :)  We normally spend the major holidays with Kevin's family whom of course, has become my own.  I'm very blessed to be a part of their giant clan as well.  It's been amazing to watch Gavin and his cousins grow up together.  I've seen all 8 of the grandkids (cousins) born and have been in the delivery room twice.  I'm thankful this year for "family" mine, yours and ours.  Here's a few snip its of the usual photo shoots :-D

The kiddos.... Always joking around or... more likely, on their phones.

Whenever I find myself missing my family on these days, I stop and reflect on the many years I did spend holidays with them.  Then I look around and take in the laughter and joy of this family.  Finally I remember those with none who are suffering alone with really nothing to be thankful for and my heart breaks for them.  Looking forward.  I want to focus on how I can help those who are alone.  Not just through the holidays but always alone.  That shouldn't be a thing.  Not with so many churches and Christians in this nation an in the world.  Are we not called to help orphans and widows?  Wouldn't that include anyone left alone with nothing and no one to call their own?  Time to pray and see where God leads.

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