Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A time for change

From pastor Greg,

The start of a new year is a great opportunity to make changes.

"I heard about an interesting custom celebrated in Italy every New Year’s Eve. As the evening approaches, the streets are cleared. There is no traffic and no pedestrians. Even the policemen take cover.

Then, at the stroke of midnight, every house’s windows fly open to the sound of laughter, music, and fireworks. Each member of the family tosses out old dishes, detested ornaments, hated furniture and a whole catalog of personal possessions that remind them of something in the past year they are determined to wipe out of their minds.

Perhaps some of us need to do that as we say our final goodbye to 2009".

I LOVE the idea of the Italian celebration. There is nothing more liberating and symbolic than physically tossing something unwanted out the door. Of course the problem for me in this is that every year I vow to lose weight...That's a little hard to physically toss out without some painful repercussions due to the fact that its still attached to my body.

Ahhhh yes, it's that time of year again. My next post will be a review the goals we set for ourselves last January and see where we stack up.....honesty time...OUCH!

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