Friday, June 19, 2009


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Have you ever really thought about the phrase “Best friends forever”? I mean have you seriously looked back on your life and counted your oldest friends? Well let me just tell you that the older you get, the fewer life long friends you really keep in touch with.

I’m extremely blessed to have two friends that I still talk to that I have known since… well, since DAY ONE (our older sibs were friends). I’m so thankful for the technology that has allowed us to reconnect and remain friends for all of these years (love you Jeanne and Leslie). Technology has also reconnected me with some of my BFF’s from high school (love you Mariann, Kathy and Patty) and many other great friends.

As an adult I have many, many great friends, most of whom I consider to be the bestest friends a girl could ever have, but where will we all be in 20 years? There is really only ONE best friend who has always been with me and always will until the day I die. This friend is someone who loves me unconditionally. Someone I can always run to who will never judge me, never be disappointed in me and who will always have encouragement prepared for me and even though my fabulous husband comes darn close to this description, he’s only human.

The bible says that Jesus calls me His friend. I can’t think of more capable hands to put my whole trust in. Kevin may promise me the moon but only God can actually deliver it if He so chooses :-). I know this post might sound cheesy or cliché but I’m lucky to REALLY have that kind of friendship with the creator of the universe. It’s pretty darn special. He really is my BFF.

I pray that all of you will be blessed with tons of great friends over your lifetime and I hope that you really get to experience the forever part of the bff I’m talking about.

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