Sunday, February 1, 2009

“Stop and smell the roses”

Adage (or adagium (Latin), is a short but memorable saying that holds some important fact of experience that is considered true by many people, or that has gained some credibility through its long use.

Yesterday the sun was just the perfect shade of warm. You know what I mean, you walk outside to get the paper and it just…..feels……GOOD!

After spending a couple of days in bed, the sun was simply beckoning me to bask.

We’d decided to head out to our favorite outdoor food court to grab a bite before doing some much needed shopping. For me personally, life is much more enjoyable and meaningful when I stop and thank God for the basics. It’s these simple pleasures that bring real peace, joy, love and hope to the very heart of my soul. It was such a great afternoon, good food, perfect weather, the sound of my boys laughing and good conversation and let’s just throw in a trickling fountain for some added tranquility. I was absolutely full of gratitude and just thankful to be alive.

Never should such a perfect day be taken for granted. It never escapes me that every single day others in the world wake up in war torn, bombed out, famine stricken cities where peace is nothing more than a rumor. The fact that God allowed me to be born in such privileged surroundings is beyond me. I certainly didn’t earn it but LORD am I grateful.

Today, I encourage all of you to get your sniffers out and get busy.

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