Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Uhhhhh, I can explain!

“A handful of patience is worth more than a bushel of brains. “

Wednesday morning:

Gavin: “Mom, I like my hair long, but it keeps falling in my eyes during homework.”

Me: “OK sweetie, we’ll get it cut on Monday.”

Gavin: “MONDAY??? That’s like in FIVE days!”

ME: “It will pass quickly. We’re going out to the desert this weekend and you won’t b doing any homework there”.

Gavin: “ OK, but I really want it short this time”.

Me: “You’ve got it cupcake (wink).

While making pizza Thursday night, something interesting caught my eye.


Me: “G-A-V-I-N! What happened here???” Rhetorical of course.

Gavin: “Don’t worry mom, be happy. They’ll fix it and you won’t even be able to tell”

Apparently, while most dread Monday, for Gavin it couldn’t come soon enough. How does a nine-year-old think this will go unnoticed?


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