Thursday, January 22, 2009


“Sometimes your only available transportation is a leap of faith.”......... Magaret Shepherd

This morning began in the usual way, lying in bed, eyes still closed, trying to compile a short “to do” list for the day in my head. Only on this particular morning the list kept growing at an alarming rate. Not the usual short scribbled post-it-note. This puppy was rolling out like some nightmarish medieval scroll. Oh my gosh, seriously! Just today I need to:

Buy the remaining supplies for the Pinewood Derby car.

Bake brownies for someone at school.

Deliver a cake dome and gift card to a friend

Wash Gavin’s Cub Scout uniform for Saturday.

Hit the grocery store.

Get two birthday cards and a few thank you cards in the mail ( write them first).

Run and empty the dishwasher if we’re going to eat dinner tonight.

Find the tax organizer.

Meet a friend for lunch to exchange birthday gifts.

Spend the 3 hours it takes to wash, dry and straighten my hair (short is sounding good right about now).

Pick up papers to grade from the substitute teacher...... and all of this before pick up at 3:00. It's just the kind of day that stresses me out. Did I mention that I failed the course in time management? TWICE!

I don’t know how I’m going to pull it all off so I’m just going to open my eyes and jump in with both feet. Wish me luck!

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