Friday, January 30, 2009
"Men grow old...Pearls grow yellow....There's no cure."
.....Chinese proverb
Long... and this is the abridged version.
What a comedy of errors. It began Wednesday. I was racing around in the usual Donna fashion, last minute, throwing the house into order before Kevin came home from a business trip.
To be honest with you, I had taken the few days of his absence off from the usual routine around the house so that Gavin and I could just lounge around and play games and really capitalize on our one on one time. We didn’t plan any big meals. We did homework late at night. We played games, watched kid movies and cuddled a lot.
Although we missed daddy terribly, having a few days with less structure was kind of nice. Don’t get me wrong, Kevin in no way demands strict structure or a rigid routine. It just works best for all of us to stick to a rough schedule with our busy lives.
So there it was, Wednesday morning and my man was due home from his trip in a few hours.
Now you should know that my idea of housework is to sweep the room with a glance (KIDDING, I just love that line and thought it was a great opportunity to throw it in) but as I looked around the house I realized that time was not on my side and I’d better get busy.
I must say that I was pretty impressed with my progress. I was moving like a DVD player fast forwarding at X4 speed. Miraculously, things were in near perfect order when The Man of the House walked in, and it couldn’t have been more rewarding.
As it turns out, my traveling man was really looking forward to returning to the comfort of his safe haven and his family. I felt both proud and happy that I had created such a warm and welcoming place for him to come home to……
Now, let’s move on to the REAL purpose for this post. Thursday morning. Gavin and I were rushing around the house (as usual) getting ready for school, when I had a few sudden and quite painful back spasms. “YEEEEEOW” I yelped, as the first one hit…..”WHAT THE HECK???” I screamed at the second. And by noon, I could barely walk. Neither standing nor sitting was an easy task, in fact, it took more than a several minutes to complete either.
Then the truth hit me like a flashing neon sign!
Maybe I can't be run like a DVD player… maybe I’m like a VCR or an old hand cranked movie projector, a flip book! Just how old do you have to be to throw your back out doing housework?
I did everything I could think of to relieve the pain, aspirin, stretching and the hottest shower I could stand, Kevin prayed, Gavin prayed, I prayed...but the spasms just kept coming, each one inviting three more.
Upon reflection, I decided that out of all the self prescribed treatments, the hot shower really helped the most. So I took another and bundled up in my big fuzzy robe spending the next ten minutes fighting with the footrest on the couch trying to sit back and just lay still for a bit.
At last, I settled back into a semi reclined position and for the first time in hours felt relief. It was pure Heaven, Paradise if you prefer, Bliss, Nirvana, Utopia or whichever best describes perfection to you. I felt completely and totally relaxed and at peace……...That is until the phone rang.
At first I panicked but quickly decided that the best course of action would be to let the answering machine pick it up, then I thought, “Oh my gosh, what if it’s the school, or my dear friend who is experiencing a very difficult time and whom I had instructed to call me anytime day or night?” “ Or what if it were just my husband calling to hear my voice
( he does that you know?…Don’cha just love it?)”.
Our phone only rings four times before the machine picks up. The first ring was spent mulling over my options. The second and third were spent carefully maneuvering myself into the least painful set of movements required to get myself into a standing position. I almost leaped across the living room during the fourth ring. Finally, I stood before the phone as the last ring trailed off… then it stopped. No more ringing, no answering machine, just me and my aching back standing painfully before a silent phone.
Now I’m not a woman prone to cursing. It was out of character….I apologize.
More than ten minutes later, I was back in position. I took several deep breaths and once again, began relaxing as the pain subsided.
”RING!” “ARE YOU STINKIN’ KIDDING ME?” This time I jumped to my feet in spite of the pain, sure that this was an urgent phone call and began lurching once again toward the phone. Why the heck didn't I bring the phone with me? It's cordless. Strangely, I wasn’t making any progress whatsoever ……I looked down at the couch where I had just kicked down the foot rest and couldn’t believe my luck. There, trapped inside the now depressed recliner footrest was a corner of my robe. HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN? The angle and strength required to free myself was entirely too painful. The phone had just finished ring number two. So I did what any desperate woman would do in my situation (ring three)….. I ditched the robe! Ring number FOUR! I dashed across the room BUCK NAKED grabbing the phone just before the fourth ring ended. Trying desperately to ignore back spasm 53 now building, I paused for a moment and then spoke.
“HELLO?” I uttered trying to hide my discomfort.
“Hello! Is this the Knight residence?”
I don’t really remember what happened next. The rest of that day is just a blur of unexpected spasms followed by ridiculously inappropriate outbursts so I’ll just leave you with this…
“Don’t let ageing get you down. It’s too hard to get back up.”
Monday, January 26, 2009
Gavin’s annual Pinewood Derby with the Cub Scouts was as always, tons of fun from making the car at the workshop to proudly showing it off on race day. Some of the kids were super creative this year. We saw everything from pencils to surfers and even a pink flatbed with a pig in the back.
We did pretty well for the first half of the race as did a few of Gavin’s friends but in the end, the Weblos took most of the prizes. After all, they do have two more years on us. I also included a few pictures of Megan, the little sister of one of Gavin’s best friends. Too cute!
The final result....The "GHOST RACER"
Gavin and Jake wait for the results .
Brian McDougall and Chris Azpeitia watch too.

"Thanks for the ride Gavin"
"Sure, well I'd better be going"
“you’re not going anywhere mister.”
NEVER a serious moment.
Gavin and buddy "T" Azpeitia.
We did pretty well for the first half of the race as did a few of Gavin’s friends but in the end, the Weblos took most of the prizes. After all, they do have two more years on us. I also included a few pictures of Megan, the little sister of one of Gavin’s best friends. Too cute!
ALEX..... Goggles -or-sunglasses for everyone.
The final result....The "GHOST RACER"
Brian McDougall and Chris Azpeitia watch too.

"Sure, well I'd better be going"
“you’re not going anywhere mister.”
NEVER a serious moment.
Gavin and buddy "T" Azpeitia.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
“Sometimes your only available transportation is a leap of faith.”......... Magaret Shepherd
This morning began in the usual way, lying in bed, eyes still closed, trying to compile a short “to do” list for the day in my head. Only on this particular morning the list kept growing at an alarming rate. Not the usual short scribbled post-it-note. This puppy was rolling out like some nightmarish medieval scroll. Oh my gosh, seriously! Just today I need to:
Buy the remaining supplies for the Pinewood Derby car.
Bake brownies for someone at school.
Deliver a cake dome and gift card to a friend
Wash Gavin’s Cub Scout uniform for Saturday.
Hit the grocery store.
Get two birthday cards and a few thank you cards in the mail ( write them first).
Run and empty the dishwasher if we’re going to eat dinner tonight.
Find the tax organizer.
Meet a friend for lunch to exchange birthday gifts.
Spend the 3 hours it takes to wash, dry and straighten my hair (short is sounding good right about now).
Pick up papers to grade from the substitute teacher...... and all of this before pick up at 3:00. It's just the kind of day that stresses me out. Did I mention that I failed the course in time management? TWICE!
I don’t know how I’m going to pull it all off so I’m just going to open my eyes and jump in with both feet. Wish me luck!
This morning began in the usual way, lying in bed, eyes still closed, trying to compile a short “to do” list for the day in my head. Only on this particular morning the list kept growing at an alarming rate. Not the usual short scribbled post-it-note. This puppy was rolling out like some nightmarish medieval scroll. Oh my gosh, seriously! Just today I need to:
Buy the remaining supplies for the Pinewood Derby car.
Bake brownies for someone at school.
Deliver a cake dome and gift card to a friend
Wash Gavin’s Cub Scout uniform for Saturday.
Hit the grocery store.
Get two birthday cards and a few thank you cards in the mail ( write them first).
Run and empty the dishwasher if we’re going to eat dinner tonight.
Find the tax organizer.
Meet a friend for lunch to exchange birthday gifts.
Spend the 3 hours it takes to wash, dry and straighten my hair (short is sounding good right about now).
Pick up papers to grade from the substitute teacher...... and all of this before pick up at 3:00. It's just the kind of day that stresses me out. Did I mention that I failed the course in time management? TWICE!
I don’t know how I’m going to pull it all off so I’m just going to open my eyes and jump in with both feet. Wish me luck!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.”.....Abraham Lincoln
Monday, January 19, 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Rattlesnakes and Tumbleweeds
From early on the word “desert” always conjured up images of sandstorms, rolling tumbleweeds and a hissing rattler coiled up on a rock somewhere while vultures circled overhead. But to my surprise, the desert is really a beautiful place in the winter. It’s too cold for snakes and the tumbleweeds are still attached to the ground and green. The skies are blue and the air crisp. I can’t believe how peaceful it can be….Well that is until the sand toys start rumbling.
For the past several years sometime around November, we say “goodbye” to our beach camping and say “Hello” to the beautiful California desert.

Here are a few memories from our trip near California City last weekend.

Camp Vargas. My boys coming in from a ride.

Off again to the nearby city of Randsburg.
For those of you not familiar with the desert craze, this is called a Ranger. It’s kind of like a smaller version of an off-road jeep.

The city of Randsburg is a cool little western town but instead of riding in on a horse, most people ride in on every kind of off-road vehicle imaginable.

The town is full of old antique stores, general stores and a neat little museum too.
Below are some shots of our friends and their kids and some cool things we found while exploring. We also had lunch at the General Store. Absolutely the best burgers and shakes around.
For the past several years sometime around November, we say “goodbye” to our beach camping and say “Hello” to the beautiful California desert.

Here are a few memories from our trip near California City last weekend.

Camp Vargas. My boys coming in from a ride.

Off again to the nearby city of Randsburg.
For those of you not familiar with the desert craze, this is called a Ranger. It’s kind of like a smaller version of an off-road jeep.

The city of Randsburg is a cool little western town but instead of riding in on a horse, most people ride in on every kind of off-road vehicle imaginable.

The town is full of old antique stores, general stores and a neat little museum too.
Below are some shots of our friends and their kids and some cool things we found while exploring. We also had lunch at the General Store. Absolutely the best burgers and shakes around.
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