Tuesday, December 9, 2008

So here it is my first attempt at blogging. I finally have both the motivation and the inspiration for journaling the exciting and the mundane in the life and times of The Vargas Family.

The motivation? I don't have time to scrapbook an actual book these days and there are so many funny little things that happen during any given week that I'm sure I would forget to journal by the time I actually sat down to scrapbook.

The inspiration? I've recently reconnected with some family that I'd lost touch with for a few years. My dear cousin Dawn and her sister-in-law Juany have BEAUTIFUL blogs which I think would not only fill in the blanks for the books that I'm not scrapping but it would also be in many ways an online journal of events for our friends and family members who are somewhat overwhelmed by the likes of Facebook and Myspace.

Blogs are much more user friendly so....Here I go!