After ONE HUNDRED and TWO years of a full and wonderful life, my sweet great aunt Dutch has gone to be with the Lord. She was my grandfather's sister on my mommies side. What an incredible woman. In the past few months, there were a couple of times that we thought she might not make it through the night. Surprising us all, my cousin Peggy returned to her room not to find her slipping away, but instead slurping away on a big cup of apple sauce. Two days later she was up playing bingo. As sad as we were to see her go, the wonder of her and the Webb longevity keeps us amazed and hopeful. We worry not for her soul. She was raised in a God loving family. 102 years will be a drop in the bucket when we see her again in eternity.

It's an odd thing to mourn and celebrate at the same time, later that day. My cousin Mike and his beautiful wife Rainy spent hours waiting during the nail biting experience of welcoming their first grandchild into the world. After many hours of struggling, little Noah was brought into this world via C-section when it was clear that there was no other option. Mother, father and grandparents are all doing well. Sometimes we bare through circumstances that are not really the way we would have planned them, but the miracle of life stops me in my tracks and takes my breath away, every single time.